Living Up To The Gold Standard In Long-Term Drug Treatment
March 12, 2018
Addiction is a complex disease that takes its toll physically, mentally, spiritually and socially. Many of these components need to be rehabilitated in order to result in long-term recovery. That can be a lot for one person to change and often outside support and help ...
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New Year, New Resolve to Curb Opioid Addiction: Behind the Scenes Actions to Combat Opioids
February 20, 2018
This January President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union Address to Congress and the Nation. As part of his America First agenda, he outlined several pillars of a plan to provide critical reforms the country needs. Three months prior to this address, ...
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The Virtual Visit: Could Telemedicine Be a Game Changer for Treating Addiction & Co-Occurring Disorders?
January 09, 2018
At a clinic in East Harlem, former heroin users are no longer at the mercy of “the silent killer:” hepatitis C. They have been cured of the viral infection that attacks the liver and is often associated with injecting drugs. But unlike the typical ...
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“Happier, Kinder, Healthier: The Evidence for Gratitude”
December 08, 2017
Terri Schaffner has a morning ritual that fuels her well-being. She sips coffee among the goats and chickens in her Louisiana backyard, and takes stock of the good in her life: A rewarding career. The grandchildren down the road. Riding motorcycles around Lake Bistineau with ...
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War on Opioids: A Nation Mobilizes
November 08, 2017
America’s opioid plague has no mercy. Drug overdoses are killing more Americans than car accidents, gun deaths or total U.S. casualties in the Vietnam War. “Equal to September 11th every three weeks,” is how one presidential commission describes the nation’s death toll from drug overdoses ...
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Grieving Parents Warn Teens, Families About The Dangers Of “Pill Parties,” Opioid Overdose
October 20, 2017
“Somebody Will Make A Better Choice” because of her sons’ overdose deaths, Indiana mother says In the summer of 2015, Becky Savage was blindsided by the cruelest discovery. The Granger, Indiana, mother of four boys had popped into her son Jack’s room while doing laundry. ...
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Mending Lives On The Mat: Recovery Program Combines 12-Step Principles With Inclusive Yoga
September 14, 2017
Left: Nikki Myers (seated), founder of Yoga of 12-Step Recovery. Photography credits: Left: Savannah Wishart Photography; Right: Stacey Newgent A painful past can often take cover in the deep recesses of the mind. Bad memories are suppressed so they can’t torment our psyche. But the ...
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A Quantum Leap in Pain Relief? Tulane Scientists Create a Drug As Strong as Morphine, But Much Safer
August 04, 2017
A new painkiller that rivals the power of morphine – but with far less risk for addiction or other harmful side effects – is in development at Tulane University. The discovery could help blunt America’s epidemic of opioid deaths and one day provide relief for ...
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From Acute Pain to Chronic Opioid Use: Study Reveals Link Between Physicians’ Prescribing Patterns and Opioid Dependence
July 17, 2017
Emergency room physicians vary widely in their opioid prescribing habits – even for similar diagnoses at the same hospital, new research shows. And this disparity can trigger a course of care that leads some patients to opioid dependence. An analysis of more than 377,000 ER ...
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High on Exercise: “Addict to Athlete” Organization Inspires Purpose, Healing for People in Recovery
June 05, 2017
Top Left: Marissa and Blu Robinson, co-founders of “Addict II Athlete.” The non-profit helps people in recovery replace harmful habits with running and other forms of exericse. Top Right: Members of the sisterhood of Addict II Athlete take ...
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An Oasis for Children of Addiction: Free Camp Offers a Welcome Respite – and Lessons in Resilience
May 10, 2017
Children swing from the trees at Camp Mariposa. They hike near the river bank, huddle around a bonfire, and stage talent shows on Saturday night. Here, carefree rituals parallel a more serious quest: these campers are learning how to break the cycle of addiction in ...
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A Virtual Platform for Real Recovery
April 05, 2017
Sensory-Rich Technology Helps Substance Users Confront Triggers, Control Cravings You enter a barren house that harbors a slew of public health hazards. Peeling wallboard and blackish mold taint the bathroom. A young man sits on the dingy floor next to the toilet, smoking crack cocaine. ...
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Running on Grit: Marathon Pro Cheats Death, Exalts the Power of Hope & the Human Will
March 07, 2017
He is a titan among runners – an elite marathoner whose uncanny resolve produced one of the most thrilling races in history. Dick Beardsley is blessed with epic endurance. He’s weathered grueling competitions and surreal setbacks – including a horrific farm accident, multiple car crashes, ...
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The Addicted Teen: Four Personality Traits Linked to Future Drug Problems, Studies Show
February 06, 2017
Certain personality traits are highly predictive of drug and alcohol addiction in teenagers, according to a growing body of research. The findings have inspired the first intervention to target the temperaments of high-risk youth – helping them delay or prevent drug use by learning how ...
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Out of the Shadows: Grassroots movement confronts the stigma behind America’s deadliest drug crisis
January 13, 2017
Rising above a field in the scenic Illinois Valley, a billboard catches the eye. Its towering image shows a fair-haired boy, grinning for his kindergarten school picture. Beside the happy photo is a solemn plea: “Every Overdose is Someone’s Child. Don’t Judge. Educate.” Lori Brown ...
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An Acrobat’s Greatest Feat: Conquering Drug & Alcohol Addiction
December 02, 2016
The Crystal Man dazzles the audience with his aerial magic. Suspended in mid-air, he spins like a glittering disco ball – bouncing the light off his gem-studded bodysuit. Moving nimbly, he contorts his spine into mind-bending art and levitates above the crowd. The jaw-dropping performance ...
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Hello, Holidays: Creating a Sober Game Plan
November 07, 2016
Richard Buckman often grew anxious as Thanksgiving Day approached. He spent years longing for a blissful – or even civil – family holiday. “I had recalled drinking myself into oblivion several times in an effort to block out uncomfortable memories,” he says. “In sobriety, I ...
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Implant May Spur Recovery from Opioid Addiction
July 14, 2016
FDA approves Probuphine, a six-month maintenance treatment Death from opioid abuse – including heroin and prescription painkillers – is at an all-time high in the United States. But a new treatment option could be a “game changer” in the fight against opioid addiction, experts say. ...
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White Coats For Recovery
June 24, 2016
Medical students confront the opioid crisis, extol the rescue medicine naloxone. Every 19 minutes, someone in America dies from an opioid overdose. But a simple lifesaving act – giving a shot of the antidote naloxone – can quickly revive many drug users from the brink ...
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Playing With Fire: Study Shows Teens Abuse ADHD Drugs
June 08, 2016
More than half of teenagers who use prescription stimulants such as Adderall® are abusing the drugs for nonmedical purposes, according to a study by the University of Florida. The study analyzed data from a national survey of 11,048 youth ages 10-18 (the National Monitoring of ...
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A New Counter Culture: The Sober College Experience
April 11, 2016
More schools are creating formal recovery programs for students battling addictions Anne Thompson Heller is the archetype of a serious scholar: she double-majored in sociology and metro urban studies, earned a bachelor’s and two master’s degrees, and is well on her way toward a Ph.D. ...
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Hepatitis Outbreak: A Looming Public Health Crisis?
March 23, 2016
Rural communities face hepatitis outbreak among injection drug users A hepatitis epidemic is emerging in Appalachia in the wake of a harrowing trend: more rural drug users are sharing dirty needles to inject heroin and crushed opioid pain pills. Health experts fear the practice could ...
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Beyond Opiates: A Whole Body Approach to Managing Chronic Pain
February 24, 2016
Relentless pain casts a shadow on daily life for millions of Americans. It tests their resolve and relationships, and often takes a village of therapies and treatments to find relief. If you’re living with chronic pain, new treatment approaches can help you live more fully, ...
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Power of a Spiritual Path
January 13, 2016
What’s Good for the Soul is Good for Sobriety, research shows A deep sense of gratitude. Living with purpose. Becoming one with nature. Belief in a divine being. Whatever spirituality means to you, science tells us it has real benefits for addiction recovery. A life-affirming ...
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The Frenzy of Flakka: Designer Drug Linked to Bizarre Behaviors & Health Dangers
January 05, 2016
Don’t be a human guinea pig. That’s the warning from health officials about flakka, a wildly unpredictable street drug that can lead to kidney failure and extreme, life-threatening behaviors. High on flakka, some users become violent and delusional with superhuman strength – convinced that others ...
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The Adolescent Brain And Addiction
November 05, 2015
A Light Into the Adolescent Brain: Landmark Study to Explore Impact of Substance Use on America’s Youth Today’s teens and tweens have greater access to marijuana, in higher potencies, than ever before. They also use more alcohol when they binge drink, and puff e-cigarettes that ...
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Choosing A Recovery Sponsor: Finding an Effective Match
October 21, 2015
“We may worry that we are a burden to our sponsors and hesitate to contact them, or we may believe our sponsors will want something in return from us. But the truth is our sponsors benefit as much as we do from the relationship. In ...
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A New Weapon in The Meth Crisis
October 14, 2015
Vaccine May Lessen The Human Tragedy of America’s Meth Epidemic A vaccine that could block the effects of methamphetamine – one of the world’s most addictive and toxic drugs – has shown promise in pre-clinical studies, researchers say. It’s an important advance that could break ...
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The Recovery Road Less Traveled: Getting Sober With SMART Recovery
September 29, 2015
A Growing Alternative To 12-Step Programs Dee Cloward’s recovery from addiction mirrors a path taken by millions of people worldwide. She began working the 12 steps, attending meetings in church basements, clubhouses and office buildings with the New York City fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) ...
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Sponsor in My Pocket: Addiction Recovery Apps Deliver Support & Inspiration
September 22, 2015
Learning how to be sober can take herculean effort. Your smartphone or tablet can ease the journey by connecting you with virtual fellowship, constant coaching and support for crisis situations. Today there are mobile apps that can direct you to the nearest 12-step meeting, keep ...
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Addiction Treatment Breakthrough: Blood Pressure Remedy Could Prevent Drug & Alcohol Relapse
August 07, 2015
A widely prescribed medication for high blood pressure could help people beat drug and alcohol addiction, according to new research from The University of Texas. The medication, isradipine, stopped cravings for cocaine and alcohol in the university’s studies with addicted rats. After taking high-dose isradipine, ...
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Time To Intervene: Finding The Right Drug Treatment For Teens At Risk
June 19, 2015
Helping a teenager overcome a drug or alcohol problem is one of the most critical trials any parent can face. In the chaos of addiction, there are many questions: How do I find the right care for my child? Should I send my teen away ...
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Healing the Liver: Probiotics Show Promise for Treating Alcoholic Liver Disease
June 17, 2015
People with Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) may benefit from taking probiotic supplements, according to a growing body of scientific research. Chronic, heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver and is the most common cause of life-threatening cirrhosis. But the toxic load can be reduced, ...
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Helping Others Helps Your Recovery From Addiction
June 15, 2015
It’s not over when you’re sober. That’s the mantra of an academic research project that illuminates the link between service and recovery from addiction. Helping others — even with small tasks — can help you stay sober, according to a collection of studies on service ...
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Wake-Up Call for Parents: Is Your Teen at Risk for Prescription Drug Abuse?
June 10, 2015
Teenagers who are prescribed medications for anxiety or sleep disorders are at high risk of abusing those drugs — often by using someone else’s medication to get high or relax when their own prescription runs out, according to a study from the University of Michigan. ...
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College Trend is Risky Business
June 04, 2015
Students Fool the Body, Face Health Dangers by Combining Alcohol & Energy Drinks A new college ritual is producing the “wide-awake drunk” — a perilous state that can occur when students combine alcohol and energy drinks. The practice increases the risks for alcohol poisoning, driving ...
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Excessive Drinking Linked to Health Dangers, Early Death
May 29, 2015
Are you at risk? How much alcohol do you typically consume? The definition of a heavy drinker may come as a surprise — along with the damage that even a single alcohol binge can do. Women are considered heavy drinkers if they have eight or ...
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Motivational Interviewing for Addiction Treatment
May 22, 2015
A brighter future often dovetails recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. But making bold changes can be daunting: at least 40-60 percent of people slip back into substance use in their first year after rehab, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. If you’re ...
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Double Danger: Mental Illness, Addiction Often Linked
May 01, 2015
Every day, millions of Americans grapple with a menacing combination: mental illness that co-exists with drug or alcohol addiction. The challenge of a “dual diagnosis” is quite common, affecting an estimated 8.9 million adults who have both a mental and substance use disorder, according to ...
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Rehab to Recovery: Surviving Your First Year of Sobriety
April 29, 2015
The joy of living a healthy, self-directed life caps the journey to recovery from addiction. But there’s no universal roadmap for getting clean and sober. So how do you make it through the early days of recovery? Or transition from treatment to the trials of ...
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Lasting Recovery: Creating Your Blueprint for a Healthy, Drug-Free Life
April 24, 2015
Three hours a day. That’s the commitment it takes to achieve real recovery from addiction, says a behavioral health pioneer. Investing time each day to nurture and perpetuate recovery is essential, since rehabilitation is a lifelong process and relapse is common, according to Michael Cartwright, ...
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Topiramate: A Promising Treatment for Alcohol Addiction
April 17, 2015
A medication approved to treat epilepsy could help people with alcohol use disorder, according to several research studies. Topiramate, an anti-seizure drug sold under the brand name Topamax, has been shown to reduce alcohol cravings and heavy drinking — even in people who are unable ...
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Emotional Healing: Memory Processing Therapy May Alleviate Trauma, Addiction Urges
April 13, 2015
A painful childhood. A sudden, unbearable loss. Harrowing flashbacks from war. Traumatic experiences haunt the psyche and trap many people in addiction, blunting their emotional pain with alcohol and drugs. But what if disturbing memories could be processed differently — rendering them powerless to cause ...
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Life in Turmoil: Restoring Emotional Stability with Dialectical Behavior Therapy
April 01, 2015
Life can be wrenching for people who suffer emotional extremes. They know the anguish of abandonment, real or imagined, and are far more fragile than most. Their self-esteem can plummet if a friend arrives five minutes late. They may cling to someone for fear of ...
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The Addicted Healthcare Professional
March 18, 2015
A Perfect Storm: Job Stress, Drug Access & Code of Silence Feed Addiction in Health Professionals Every day for four years now, pharmacist Jake Nichols calls the testing lab to see if he’s been chosen for a random drug screen. It’s a condition of his state-mandated ...
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Help for the Healers: Resources For Impaired Healthcare Professionals
February 26, 2015
Every single day people suffering from addiction become patients getting treated and starting a new course of life. These patients are met with the best in addiction treatment that the world has to offer, as new programs and treatment types frequently emerge and become commonplace ...
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Two Steps Forward: New Ways to Prevent Addiction Relapse
February 12, 2015
The path to sobriety often winds through some wrenching battles with relapse. Slipping back into addiction is so common that at least 40-60 percent of people abuse drugs or alcohol in their first year after rehab. But there’s encouraging news for anyone in recovery. Neuroscience ...
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Fighting the Stigma of Addiction
January 21, 2015
Americans View Drug Addiction Far More Negatively Than Mental Illness, Study Shows Kim Stalcup embraces many roles in her busy California life. She’s a respected mental health counselor in Fresno, a volunteer at the local Anglican Church, a proud grandmother, homeowner and full-time graduate student ...
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Retrain the Brain For Lifelong Recovery From Addiction
December 22, 2014
Heal the body, heal the brain. It’s a mantra with profound meaning for anyone in recovery, since recent studies show it’s possible to reverse some types of addiction-related brain damage. “The brain is very forgiving,” says Dr. Ralph Carson, an addictions expert and author of ...
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Urge Surfing: Mindfulness Techniques to Prevent Relapse
December 11, 2014
“Surf the Urge” To Wipe Out Relapse Powerful drug cravings can trigger a downward spiral that’s all too familiar with those in recovery: A fierce struggle to resist. Denial and justification. Relapse and regret. Perhaps it’s time to stop fighting so hard. A mini-meditation known ...
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) For Addiction Recovery
December 09, 2014
“Make not your thoughts your prisons” — William Shakespeare “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” — James Allen, author of the 1902 classic, “As a Man Thinketh” “The mind is everything. What you ...
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Life After Addiction: Millions Celebrate the Rewards of Recovery
October 16, 2014
For years, Mike Barry was the face of television news in Lexington, Kentucky. The popular anchor for WLEX-TV graced billboards with his on-air image of charisma and confidence. But while his public profile was rising, Barry was falling deeper into addiction. The ravages of alcoholism ...
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