5 Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse

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Determining if someone’s abusing methamphetamine can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. Signs of methamphetamine abuse may include behavioral, paraphernalia, physical, financial, and social changes.

What Is Methamphetamine?

Methamphetamine (meth) is a highly addictive, man-made stimulant that commonly appears as a white powder, pill, or glass-like substance referred to as crystal meth. Meth has several street names including chalk, speed, tina, crank, fire, glass, go fast, and ice. Though it’s chemically similar to amphetamine, greater amounts of meth get into the brain, making it a more potent stimulant, as reported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

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Some of the most popular ways to abuse meth are to swallow, snort, inject, and smoke it. Long-term meth abuse can cause irreversible physical and emotional damage, and overdose can result in death. If you find out your loved one is abusing methamphetamine, it’s important to seek help. The following are five signs of methamphetamine abuse.

1. Behavioral Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse

Methamphetamine can cause unusual behaviors like hyperactivity, euphoria, decreased appetite, paranoia, delusion, and increased energy or alertness. It’s also extremely difficult to sleep while on methamphetamine, and a meth binge can keep someone up for days.

The withdrawal symptoms when a person stops using the drug can cause insomnia, irritability, depression, anxiety, shaking, or fatigue.

Methamphetamine is also chemically similar to dopamine, and can make a person feel pleasure from the drug that can last all day. When the meth wears off, a person usually experiences a crash. According to NIDA for Teachers, “even small amounts of methamphetamine can cause a person to be more awake and active, lose their appetite, and become irritable and aggressive.”

Methamphetamine can also cause an overdose, which can lead to seizures, coma, and death. There are two types of meth overdose—acute and chronic, which are defined by the National Library of Medicine:

“An acute methamphetamine overdose occurs when someone takes this drug by accident or on purpose and has side effects. These side effects can be life-threatening. A chronic methamphetamine overdose refers to the health effects in someone who uses the drug on a regular basis.”

2. Paraphernalia Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse

Methamphetamine abuse requires the use of paraphernalia, and other objects needed for abuse of the drug. To someone less familiar with the drug, these may seem strange or foreign.

Types of drug paraphernalia can include:

  • Needles or syringes
  • Aluminum foil
  • Sandwich baggies with drug remnants
  • Burnt metal spoons
  • Light bulb used for smoking drug
  • Straws
  • Rolled-up dollar bills
  • Tubes
  • Smoking pipes
  • Unexplained chemicals

Methamphetamine can be created in home labs using hazardous materials, as well as chemicals, that typically create an excessive amount of waste and byproduct. Methamphetamine ingredients may include alcohol, benzene, ether, red phosphorous, iodine, acetone, paint thinner, camp stove fuel, heet, ammonia, lye, drano, hydrochloric acid, propane cylinders, ephedrine, bronchodilators, and battery acid.

If you believe someone is conducting a meth lab, do not try to take the situation into your own hands, and don’t touch anything. To avoid serious injury and violence, it’s absolutely vital to contact authorities.

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3. Physical Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse

If your loved one has been abusing methamphetamine, they may start to show adverse physical changes. The physical signs of methamphetamine abuse can be pretty obvious, and may start with dilated pupils, droopy or twitching eyes, and excessive weight loss.

As a person continues abusing meth, they may experience further problems, including:

  • Tooth decay (meth mouth)
  • Frequent nose bleeds
  • Chest pain
  • Track marks
  • Offensive body odors
  • Skin lesions—open sores from picking and scratching
  • Boils
  • Abscesses
  • Infections
  • Premature aging

Some long-term health consequences of meth abuse may include

  • Hypertension
  • Destruction of muscles
  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Tachycardia
  • Major mood swings
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Heart attack
  • Hyperthermia
  • Bronchitis
  • Seizures

4. Financial Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse

Abusing methamphetamine can cost a person more than their good health; it can cost them a small fortune. By comparison, meth is considered one of the cheaper drugs on the street, but still a person might spend all of their money to continue using the drug.

Signs of Methamphetamine Abuse_IngredientsSomeone with a meth problem may constantly need to borrow money to fund their habit, even if they have a job. Friends and family members will do what they can to help their loved one, but sometimes without realizing they may be enabling them. Teenagers and students get a lot of their spending cash from parents, so as parents, it can be important to have an idea where that money’s going.

Someone who’s suffering from an addiction to meth might not be able to pay back loans, pay medical bills, pay their rent and utilities, or pay for the general cost of living. Unfortunately, a person with a meth addiction may even resort to theft to pay for the drug.

5. Social Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse

Methamphetamine abuse can also make a person extremely antisocial. Even when including themselves in social functions, a person suffering from methamphetamine abuse may not seem like themselves. It’s pretty common for someone with a meth addiction to push away old friends, and start hanging around those who are willing to accept their decision to use drugs.

If your friend or family member is struggling with an addiction to meth, please don’t give up on them. They need your love and support. But remember that you can be a friend to someone without giving them money, enabling, or accepting their drug addiction.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is turn the problem over to someone who better understands it—like the professionals at an addiction rehab center.

Find Treatment To Overcome Methamphetamine Abuse

If someone you love is battling an addiction to methamphetamine, contact us at DrugRehab.org. We can help you find the treatment you need to overcome methamphetamine. Your call will be completely confidential.

For more information on fentanyl abuse and addiciton, call now!

For More Information Related to “5 Signs Of Methamphetamine Abuse” Be Sure To Check Out These Additional Resources From DrugRehab.org:



National Institute on Drug Abuse—What is Methamphetamine?
National Library of Medicine —Methamphetamine Overdose
NIDA for Teachers—Mind Over Matter: Methamphetamine (Meth)
NIDA for Teens—Methamphetamine (Meth)

Signs and Symptoms of ICE Use and Abuse

DrugRehab.org Signs and Symptoms of ICE Use and Abuse

Ice is a purified crystalline form of methamphetamine that is also known as crystal meth. It can be manufactured using cold medicine and chemicals like battery acid, antifreeze, or drain cleaner. Ice is a central nervous system stimulant that can rapidly lead to dependence and addiction. Among the most common signs that someone is using ice are irritability, problems sleeping, tooth decay, and weight loss. A few of the symptoms of ice abuse are kidney damage, heart attacks, depression, anxiety, and intense cravings.

It can be difficult to determine if someone is using ice if you don’t know what to look for. Commonly referred to as crystal, crank, shards, glass, Tina, or crystal meth, ice has become a serious problem across the globe. Ice abuse can lead to psychological issues, co-occurring disorders, and other problems in a person’s life.

A lot of people using ice don’t know who to turn to when they want to stop, or where to go for help for that matter. If you suspect someone is using crystal meth or ice, or if you yourself are using crystal meth—don’t give up hope. There are a lot of people who want to help.

DrugRehab.org Signs and Symptoms of ICE Use and Abuse_Manufacturing Meth

What Is Ice?

Ice first showed up in the 1980s and has since become popular in the United States, Europe, Mexico, and other countries throughout the world. Ice is a central nervous system stimulant that can be smoked, diluted and intravenously injected, or ground into a powder and snorted. Ice is a purified crystalline form of methamphetamine and looks like a fragment of glass. The color of the drug can be clear, gray, brown, yellow, orange, or pink; depending on the ingredients.

How Is Ice Made?

Crystal meth is characteristic of large cities, but drug trafficking brings it to rural areas as well. Make no mistake, ice isn’t only manufactured in cities or other heavily populated regions; it can be produced in what are known as meth labs. These labs can be anything from a shed, van, or even a tent in the woods. To make ice, a person cooks up ingredients like pseudoephedrine (cold medicine), battery acid, antifreeze, or drain cleaner.

Unfortunately, those preparing the drugs are often using them as well, so this can rapidly become a dangerous situation. Not only to society but also to the environment. Meth labs create a lot of toxic waste which isn’t likely disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Not only that, the accidental explosions meth labs can cause are often detrimental to anyone nearby.

Understanding Ice Abuse

Methamphetamine is similar to amphetamine, which is used in medicine to and treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by stimulating the part of the brain and nerves that control impulsive behaviors. The Drug Enforcement Administration has categorized methamphetamine as a Schedule II drug because of its high potential for abuse. Ice is among the most potent and addictive drugs on in the world. Abusing it can lead to serious psychological addiction and fast; it can have a person hooked after just one use.

DrugRehab.org Signs and Symptoms of ICE Use and Abuse_Brain Dopamine

It’s true, crystal meth is a dangerous, addictive, and often deadly. Those who become addicted to meth might not be able to control the amount of the drug they’re using, because so frequently an addiction starts with an obsession and leads to compulsive use of a drug. So why do people use the drug? “Methamphetamine increases the amount of dopamine in the brain, which is involved in body movement, motivation, pleasure, and reward” (National Institute on Drug Abuse).

No matter how you look at it, it’s important to remember that the people suffering from addiction weren’t always that way—they’re still our neighbors, brothers, mothers, teachers, friends, and citizens who happen to suffer from a chronic disease. They’re people who need as much love and support as they can get.

Signs Someone Is Using Ice

Some people abusing ice may wind up in a binge and have hallucinations, become extremely antisocial, or even seem like there’s no hope for a cure. Even though addiction is a defined as a chronic disease, there’s always hope for recovery. If you aren’t sure if someone is abusing ice, here are some of the signs to look for:

  • Weight loss as a result of decreased appetite
  • Decaying teeth or Meth Mouth
  • Irritability and violent behavior
  • Problems sleeping
  • Trouble remembering
  • Serious emotional issues
  • Hyperactivity
  • Psychotic episodes
  • Paranoia
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Meth Mites or belief that there are microscopic parasites under the skin

DrugRehab.org Signs and Symptoms of ICE Use and Abuse_Common Signs

Long-Term Effects And Symptoms Of Ice Abuse

If use of crystal meth persists, the drug can cause symptoms beyond the signs and short-term effects; some of which aren’t treatable. Ice abuse can lead to:

  • Intense Cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stroke
  • Kidney Damage
  • Psychotic Behavior
  • Psychosis
  • Faster Breathing
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Irregular Heart Rate
  • Heart Attack
  • Withdrawal Symptoms
  • Overdose
  • Death

When a person becomes physically dependent on crystal meth, they’re likely to experience withdrawals when they stop using, or run out of the drug. These symptoms are both mentally and physically draining and can be quite painful. Some of the withdrawals embody the long-term effects of crystal meth, and “can include anxiety, fatigue, severe depression, psychosis, and intense drug cravings” (NIDA).

Is There Treatment For Ice Addiction And Dependence?

There a lot people who are addicted to crystal meth, and some of them never make it to treatment. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t try if given the chance. It’s possible that some of them (or a lot of them) never ask for help due to fear of rejection, or because of the guilt and shame they feel. And there’s a huge scope of crystal meth abuse in the United States.

According to NIDA, in 2012 “approximately 1.2 million people reported using methamphetamine in the past year.” Not all of these people ever overdosed or developed an addiction, for that matter. Some of them didn’t need rehab to quit, but a lot of them did—sometimes it’s just a safer route to go.

With the right inpatient treatment there’s hope for a full recovery and drug-free life. Choosing to go to rehab can save your life, or the life of a person you care about; and there’s a treatment program that suits nearly everybody.

Behavioral Therapies For Substance Use Disorders

Behavioral therapies are some of the most effective methods for treating an addiction to ice. Furthermore, people come from all kinds of different backgrounds, so an individualized treatment tends to be the most effective—and there really isn’t a one size fits all method for treating addiction. The most commonly employed methods for treating a crystal meth addiction are cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and contingency management.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can prevent relapse by helping a patient to recognize unhealthy behavior patterns, and situations that would normally evoke a desire to use drugs. Dialectical behavior therapy helps a patient learn to change behaviors by teaching acceptance skills through mindfulness and distress management, and change skills through emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. Contingency-management uses a system of rewards and motivational incentives to teach a person healthy behaviors for a substance free life.

Is There A Rehab Center That’s Right For Me?

If you would like to learn more about an ice addiction, Contact DrugRehab.org at 1-833-473-4227 to confidentially speak to someone who understands crystal meth addiction, and can help find a treatment that meets your needs.

If you or a loved one is battling methamphetamine abuse or addiction, contact us now!

For More Information Related to “Signs and Symptoms of ICE Use and Abuse” Be Sure To Check Out These Additional Resources From DrugRehab.org:



National Institute on Drug Abuse –  What is the scope of Methamphetamine abuse in the United States?