The Dangers of Snorting Adderall The Dangers of Snorting Adderall

Also known as “academic cocaine” or the “study drug”, Adderall is a prescription drug commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. For the person suffering from a substance abuse or substance use disorder, Adderall can mean serious health consequences—including heart damage, brain damage, and sinus damage. A lot of people abusing Adderall are doing so by snorting it, which can lead to even further complications.

What is Adderall’s Intended Use? The Dangers of Snorting Adderall Crushing It Into A Powder

Adderall is a prescription stimulant used to treat adolescents, teens, and young adults who have attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). “People with ADHD persistently have more difficulty paying attention or are more hyperactive or impulsive than other people the same age. This pattern of behavior usually becomes evident when a child is in preschool or the first grades of elementary school; the average age of onset of ADHD symptoms is 7 years” (National Institute on Drug Abuse – NIDA). Both Adderall and Adderall XR are intended to be taken orally (in a pill form), but just like any other pill, there are various ways to abuse it.

Adderall can be abused by crushing the pill into a powder and snorting it. A lot of teens use it as an academic booster, while others use it just to feel “high”. It’s similar to speed or cocaine in that it keeps the user alert and gives you them extra energy. Addiction, and other serious consequences, become a possibility for an individual that is snorting Adderall frequently.

More About Addiction

For the general public whose using Adderall as a prescribed medication, “concerns have been raised that stimulants prescribed to treat a child’s or adolescent’s ADHD could affect an individual’s vulnerability to developing later drug problems” (NIDA). The truth is, they have nothing to worry about, and studies have proven this. But for the people abusing the drug, there is a pretty good chance that they’ll become addicted to Adderall.

“Addiction to stimulants is also a very real consideration for anyone taking them without medical supervision. Addiction most likely occurs because stimulants, when taken in doses and routes other than those prescribed by a doctor, can induce a rapid rise in dopamine in the brain” (NIDA).

Why Do People Snort Adderall?

People snort drugs for various reasons. Some enjoy the numbness that snorting drugs gives them, and some people just like putting things up their nose; others do it for fun. When a person eats a drug or pops a pill it goes into their digestive system, and might take a bit of time to get into the bloodstream, which will eventually transfer it to the brain and heart.

When a person snorts a drug, it dissolves into the mucous of the sinuses and then straight to the bloodstream; thereby making the high almost instantaneous. The other ways to take Adderall are orally and intravenous—although snorting the drug is one of the more common methods of administration.

How Much Adderall Does A Person Snort?

Adderall usually comes in 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg doses—so the amount that a person will snort depends on the potency of the pill. People who frequently use Adderall as a study drug will do a piece of the pill at a time to stretch it out. Though this really depends on how often a person is using the drug. A chronic user might try to spread out a single pill to avoid having withdrawals; whereas a novice drug user might take a larger dose out of inexperience. The Dangers of Snorting Adderall Usually Comes In 12.5MG

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “there are three general potential negative consequences of misusing study drugs. These include: potential for addiction, potential for reactions to high doses, and potential for medical complications.”

Health Problems From Abusing Adderall

Along with seriously messing up a person’s brain, heart, and sinuses—abusing Adderall (or using it any way other than its medical purpose) can lead to:

  • Severe Anxiety
  • Glaucoma
  • Motor tics (or Tourette’s syndrome)
  • Psychotic Conditions
  • Depression
  • Seizure Disorder
  • History of Drug Abuse
  • Narrowing of One’s Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Damaging the Liver
    (U.S. National Library of Medicine)

Snorting Adderall Effects On The Sinuses

There are a lot of different problems that can arise from sniffing or snorting drugs—some are long term and some can happen immediately. Snorting drugs often leads to random nosebleeds, sinus infections, a constantly runny nose, and can even erode a person’s nasal septum.

Snorting Adderall Effects On The Heart

A lot of stimulants can have serious consequences on the heart. “Most study drugs raise blood pressure and may place users at risk for heart attacks and stroke. For example, side effects may include irregular heartbeat and very high blood pressure” (U.S. National Library of Medicine).

These are serious issues, and high blood pressure can even lead to cardiomyopathy, liver damage, and kidney failure. High blood pressure can lead to more than just a failed exam or research paper. It can lead to death.

Snorting Adderall Effects On The Brain

An addiction is a mental disease characterized by a person’s inability to stop using a drug on their own. So when a person has become mentally and physically dependent on a drug and then tries to stop—they have withdrawals. Withdrawals don’t always happen after a person has build up a tolerance to drugs, but according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, they are more likely with tolerance. The Dangers of Snorting Adderall Liver Damage

When abused prescription drugs can have adverse affects on the brain just like heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and methamphetamine. Adderall is the most similar to cocaine, because they are both stimulants. “When abused, all of these classes of drugs directly or indirectly cause a pleasurable increase in the amount of dopamine in the brain’s reward pathway. Repeatedly seeking to experience that feeling can lead to addiction” (NIDA).

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Adderall

Withdrawals from stimulants like Adderall typically include:

  • Fatigue or Exhaustion
  • Depression
  • Unpleasant and Vivid Dreams
  • Insomnia or Hypersomnia
  • Increased Appetite
  • Psychomotor Retardation
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
    (U.S. National Library of Medicine)

Can Snorting Adderall Kill You?

Yes. If a person uses too much Adderall (which can vary between people) it can absolutely lead to cardiac arrest, and even death. This is why the amount that a person who actually needs the drug is closely monitored by professionals.

More About Adderall Abuse

There are several different ways to abuse prescription drugs, but some of the most common are—taking someone else’s medication, using more than a physician’s recommended dosage, and using a drug for anything other than what it’s intended (like studying).

Adderall is “often abused by students seeking to improve their academic performance. However, although they may boost alertness, there is little evidence they improve cognitive functioning for those without a medical condition” (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Are you suffering from an addiction to Adderall? Are you ready to get help?

How To Find Treatment For An Addiction

There are millions of people suffering from drug addiction, some of them carry on with their addiction with no idea whether or not they’ll overdose tomorrow. We are all here in this life for a short period of time—so let’s make the best of it. If you are reading this for someone you love, and don’t know how to help, contact us today. Addiction is a disease that we can help you with.

For more information, call now!

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National Institute on Drug Abuse – Stimulant ADHD Medications: Methylphenidate and Amphetamines
National Institute on Drug Abuse – Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
National Institute on Drug Abuse – Misuse of “Study Drugs:” Prevalence, Consequences, and Implications for Policy

Cocaine And Amphetamines Increase Suicide Risk For Drug Users

Cocaine and Amphetamines Increases Suicide Risk for Drug Users-

The Stark Reality Of Suicide Risk

Most understand the reality that drugs can alter human behavior. However, what happens when drugs have such serious effects that a person becomes depressed or suicidal? If someone uses cocaine or amphetamines, his or her risk for suicidal thoughts increases dramatically. In fact, it has been noted that cocaine and other stimulants are believed to have been active in the systems of up to 22% of suicide victims. Obviously suicidal thoughts or behavior are a serious concern for the drug user or any persons who care about someone struggling with addiction.

Drug History: How Cocaine And Amphetamines Came About

When inquiring about these harmful drugs, one may first consider the origins of amphetamines and cocaine. Coca leaves were chewed and used as a natural stimulant by ancient Inca and Andes populations, but was first introduced to the Western world in 1532. In the late 19th century, a scientist learned how to extract a substance from the coca leaves, producing the drug known as cocaine. Originally popularized for medicinal use, its highly addictive properties were not fully considered. Health risks related to doing cocaine was first recognized in 1905, but the drug still remained in use, even increasing in popularity in the 1970s. In the 21st century it is the second most trafficked illegal drug worldwide.

The history of amphetamines varies greatly from cocaine. Amphetamine is a compound that was first synthesized by a scientist in 1887. Made from a combination of compounds (including ephedrine), then added to the Ma-Huange plant of China, amphetamine is not of natural origin. Amphetamine pills were in widespread use by the 1960s for recreational purposes, and for medical treatments to assist in increasing attentiveness or opening bronchial airways. Since 1965 amphetamines were classified as a prescription-only medication and categorized alongside other drugs with the high potential for addiction, such as opiates. Amphetamine is now most widely used on a legal basis to treat Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD or ADHD).

The Highs And Lows Of Stimulants

Now that we have covered a brief history of cocaine and amphetamines, let’s uncover how the human body is affected by the drugs. Amphetamines and cocaine are both stimulants that spark the central nervous system and could cause responses that make a person feel the following:

  • A sense of euphoria
  • Increased arousal
  • Speed up behavior
  • Induce a rush or “flash”
  • Mood swings upon withdrawal
  • Frustration and unpredictable emotions
  • Depression

A person feels these spikes in mood and emotion because cocaine and amphetamines each produce a reward by causing the brain to trigger a release of the hormones dopamine and oxytocin. However, this response is unnatural and attributes to less than favorable challenges faced by the person involved in drug use: a rollercoaster of mental and emotional shifts.

The Negative Aftermath

Although feelings of extreme happiness may initially seem appealing to a person taking or using a stimulant such as cocaine or an amphetamine, the long-lasting negative consequences of doing the drugs surely eclipse any temporary thrill. Once the effects of a stimulant such as cocaine or amphetamines wear off, a person experiences a drastic crash. In other words, the extreme emotional and mental high caused by the stimulants quickly spirals into a shocking low.

One can imagine that the potential for addiction that pairs with these type of drugs is dramatic. The use of stimulants such as cocaine or amphetamines may have began as something deemed as useful or enjoyable, but a person must continue to take the drugs in order to maintain the euphoric mental state. Without it, a person could become angry, irritable, and/or severely depressed.

Patients trapped in the snare of stimulant dependence often have developed and are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. A drug that once inspired “good” feelings could eventually cause negative behavior or thoughts. A person struggling with addiction might feel out of control, lost, or a sense of hopelessness.

Contact Today

A person reading this may be simply doing research for a friend who is experiencing hardship with addiction, depression, or suicidal thoughts. You may even be reading this and struggling with suicidal thoughts due to the use of a stimulant. No matter the situation, please do not waste any time wondering whether or not you should reach out for help. Research is only the first step of the recovery process. Call 1-833-473-4227  or contact us today to move in the direction of freedom for you or a person you care about.

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ADHD Increases Risk Of Substance Abuse


ADHD Increases Risk of Substance Abuse

A growing amount of research suggests there may be a strong link between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and increased risk of substance abuse. For example, a 2013 study by medical researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found that among children at age 15, those with ADHD are almost twice as likely as those without the disorder to report using a substance such as alcohol or marijuana. Even more troubling, the study found that 10 percent of children with ADHD qualify as actual, full-blown substance abusers; in kids without ADHD, that statistic is only three percent.

Other studies have revealed similar trends among adults. For instance, according to one survey, 15 percent of adults with ADHD report struggling with substance abuse in the past year, compared to only around five percent of adults without ADHD. Moreover, researchers have estimated that no fewer than 35 percent of adult alcoholics have ADHD, with some studies putting that number as high as 71 percent.

All signs point to a correlation between drug abuse and ADHD. What are the underlying causes?

Underlying Causes

The verdict is still out on this question, but researchers have offered much in the way of speculation. One popular theory is that the symptoms of ADHD—such as impulsivity and sensation seeking—happen to be some of the main psychological features of someone who is likely to abuse drugs. Trouble at school or work caused by an inability to focus is another likely factor that could drive individuals with ADHD to the temporary relief offered by excessive drinking or substance use.

Genetic Predisposition

Another theory is that there’s a possible genetic or biological basis for the connection between ADHD and drug abuse. For example, recent research has found that close biological relatives of individuals suffering from ADHD are more likely to struggle with substance abuse and dependence than in families where ADHD is absent.

A Problem Of Missed Diagnoses

Finally, one last theory has to do with the fact that, while ADHD is fairly easy to detect during its onset in childhood, it becomes much harder to diagnose once the individual reaches adulthood. For this reason, there are probably countless adults who currently have ADHD but who have never been formally diagnosed. Without a proper prescription for Ritalin or some other ADHD medication, many of these individuals are likely to turn to other, harder drugs to relieve the symptoms of their undiagnosed disorder.

Help Is Here

Not everyone who has ADHD is automatically on the slippery slope toward substance abuse. Yet for many, early-onset ADHD could be the telltale sign of abuse and addiction to come.

If you or a loved one has ADHD and is struggling with an abused substance, don’t worry. Contact us today at so we can help find the right treatment option for you.

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