With the right insurance coverage, addiction treatment doesn’t have to be something that only the wealthy can afford. One of the largest misconceptions about substance abuse treatment services and behavioral health care is that it is a luxury. The fact of the matter is, addiction is a serious illness that requires treatment from medical professionals and licensed counselors. Patients who are struggling with an addiction to illicit drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol will want to find a drug rehab center that will provide them with the personalized care and treatment that they deserve.
Aetna is one health care insurance provider that offers insurance plans that include coverage for behavioral health care services. All of their plans that are available through the Healthcare Marketplace include some type of coverage for behavioral health care services, ensuring that people have access to the treatment that they need to achieve sobriety.
Treatment Options for Addiction
There are several different treatment options available for addiction that patients can consider. One of the most common types of treatment is outpatient counseling. An outpatient facility allows patients to work with counselors and therapists who can help them understand the root cause of their addiction while also assisting them in creating a plan for the next step in their lives.
Patients who are battling a severe addiction to drugs and alcohol may want to consider a residential treatment center. These facilities allow patients to stay for a specific period of time, often ranging from 30-120 days, and focus entirely on their recovery. Detoxification services, medical care, counseling, and recreational activities often are available.
In most cases, treatment plans are personalized in order to meet the needs of the individual. Holistic treatment options can be incorporated into many plans. These all-natural approaches can complement traditional treatment, and might include yoga, acupuncture, and art therapy.
Aetna Health Care Coverage in Ohio
Aetna provides health care coverage to customers throughout Ohio. There are three different plan levels available in Ohio. Customers can select from a bronze, silver, or gold plan. The bronze plan is the most affordable option, because it offers low monthly premiums. While the monthly premiums are low with the bronze plan, it should be noted that the patient will be required to pay higher out-of-pocket costs for many health care services, including behavioral health care treatment. The bronze plan covers about 60 percent of health care costs.
The silver plan is a moderate and affordable option for many families. This plan has higher monthly premiums than the bronze plan, but it also provides more comprehensive coverage. The average silver plan covers about 70 percent of all health care treatment costs.
Finally, the gold plan is available as a premium level for those who are interested. This plan level has the highest monthly premiums, but it also provides the most significant amount of coverage. Gold level policy holders will receive coverage for about 80 percent of their health care costs.
Patients should evaluate their current health care needs before choosing a plan that is right for them.
Behavioral Health Care Benefits through Aetna
There are two different Bronze level plans available in Ohio. One available plan is the OH Aetna Bronze $15 Copay plan. It provides coverage for both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Policy holders do not have any out-of-pocket costs if they opt for a treatment center that is part of the network. If they opt for an out-of-network rehab center, they have to pay a 50 percent coinsurance fee.
The OH Aetna Silver $10 Copay plan also provides coverage for substance abuse disorder services. At an outpatient counseling center, patients must pay a $75 copay per visit, but their deductible is waived. At an inpatient treatment center, patients must pay a $500 copay per admission, as well as a 30 percent coinsurance fee. For an out-of-network provider, patients must pay a 50 percent coinsurance fee.
Contact Us To Find Out More Information
For more information about Aetna health care plans in Ohio and to find a rehab center that accepts your policy, contact us at DrugRehab.org today. Our caring counselors are available to help you take this first important step toward recovery. We look forward to hearing from you.