When it comes to getting treatment for substance, many people and their family members worry about the cost. Thankfully, an Aetna insurance plan for Kentucky can help you pay for the care you need so that you can overcome your addiction.
Levels of Aetna Health Insurance Plans in Kentucky
Aetna offers several levels of health insurance plans from bronze to gold. Each plan offers a certain level of care for a specific monthly premium. Bronze plans are generally the least expensive while gold plans tend to cost the most per month.
KY Aetna Bronze Deductible Only HSA Eligible HNOnly PD
The KY Aetna Bronze Deductible Only HSA Eligible HNOnly PD plan has an individual deductible of $6,450 and a family deductible of $12,900. Maximum out-of-pocket expenses for the coverage periods are the same as the deductibles. Bronze Aetna plans cover inpatient and outpatient mental and behavioral health as well as substance abuse treatments. Individuals with a bronze health plan can expect to pay nothing for coinsurance if they use an in-network treatment center. Out-of-network providers are not covered.
Costs for the Bronze plans vary depending on your age and county of residence. In general, monthly premium prices range from just over $100 for a non-smoking individual under 20 years of age. For example, a non-smoking individual, aged 35 and living in Boone County, can expect to pay $195.51.
KY Aetna Bronze $40 Copay HNOnly PD
The KY Aetna Bronze $40 Copay HNOnly PD insurance plan has an annual deductible of $6,800 for individuals and $13,600 for families. Out-of-pocket expenses are $6,850 for individuals and $13,700 for families. Mental, behavioral, and substance abuse treatment is covered when you use an in-network rehabilitation center.
Outpatient services are charged a $40 copay with the deductible waved. Inpatient services do not have a coinsurance charge. Monthly premium rates range between $108.39 and $689.93. For example, a 30-year-old non-smoker living in Madison County can expect to pay $227.05 per month, while a 50-year-old smoker living in Campbell County can expect to pay $350.57.
KY Aetna Silver $10 Copay HNOnly PD
The KY Aetna Silver $10 Copay HNOnly PD plan has an annual individual deductible of $3,900 and a family deductible of $7,800. Maximum out-of-pocket expenses are $6,500 for individuals and $13,000 for families. There is also a per person deductible of $500 for certain prescription drugs.
Silver plans cover inpatient and outpatient treatment services for mental health, behavior and substance abuse problems. If you choose an in-network provider, there is no coinsurance. Out-of-network providers are not covered. Silver plans cost between $133.66 and $739.84 for those between the ages of 0 and 65. A 55-year-old non-smoker can expect to pay between $469.39 and $550.13.
KY Aetna Gold $10 Copay HNOnly PD
The KY Aetna Gold $10 Copay HNOnly PD plan has an annual deductible of $1,400 for individuals and $2,800 for families as well as a $250 deductible for certain prescription drugs. Total out of-pocket-expenses for individuals are $5,500 while families can expect to pay $11,000.
Aetna Gold plans cover inpatient and outpatient treatment for mental and behavioral health as well as substance abuse. Mental and behavioral health outpatient services cost $10 per visit, and the deductible is waved. Inpatient mental health services and substance abuse programs have a 20 percent coinsurance.
Gold plans cost between $171.24 and $1,090.03 per month, depending on your age and location. For example, an individual living in Owen County can expect to pay around $317.32 for this excellent plan.
To learn more about how your insurance can help you pay for treatment and to find a substance abuse treatment center that accepts your Aetna insurance plan, contact us today at DrugRehab.org. We are here to help you get into the treatment program that will change your life.