
Tampa Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Centers

Tampa Rehabilitation Centers

Tampa is home to abundant outdoor entertainment, non-stop nightlife, and a colorful explosion of culture. It's frequently ranked as one of most desirable places in the United States to live, and it's easy to see why.

Tampa's about a lot more than just fun, though. With a vast array of mental health resources, it is handily one of the best places to undergo substance abuse rehabilitation.

Substance Abuse In Tampa

Despite its mantle as a modern paradise, Tampa does have its share of drug problems. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8 percent of Tampa metropolitan area residents aged 12 and up have a substance abuse problem; that's 188,000 people in need of Tampa's recovery resources.

Abe Brown Ministries

For many, the traditional rehabilitation center is not enough; they require programs that are more specialized to their needs. Abe Brown Ministries is a Christian-based center that helps criminal offenders (both past and present) get back on their feet.

Their ministry services include chapel services, family counseling and restoration, and transitional living. Those needing spiritual fulfillment and interaction will no doubt find it at Abe Brown Ministries.

Hyde Park

Likewise, women struggling with substance abuse may also find comfort in a center that's tailored to their needs and boasts a positively pro-woman community. Hyde Park is that.

Hyde Park is a small, residential treatment facility that helps women cope with any number of mental illnesses: substance abuse, eating disorders, emotional trauma, and more. It provides a safe, home-like environment that comes with a variety of vocational and life-affirmation courses.

New Beginnings Of Tampa

Drug abuse is a part of a cycle that negatively impacts and also perpetuates homelessness. New Beginnings of Tampa is a rehabilitation center dedicated to serving those who are displaced.

Its rehabilitation services come as part of their transitional housing program that's available to adult men and women. New Beginnings also specializes in assisting veterans, as they are, unfortunately, a disproportionate portion of the homeless community. Fortunately, this means their counselors can aid a number of specific target areas, including PTSD and other emotional trauma.

In Conclusion

If knowledge is power, then is one of the most powerful places on the Internet. People seeking sobriety need look no further than DrugRehab's myriad guides, expert op-eds, and directories to help them get started on the right foot.