chemical abuse – Top Rated Addiction Recovery Resource Tue, 14 Nov 2017 16:04:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2016/10/cropped-DrugRehab_Site-icon-32x32.png chemical abuse – 32 32 Getting Help For A Parent Addicted To Drugs Or Alcohol Mon, 04 Apr 2016 16:49:12 +0000 Getting Help For A Parent Addicted To Drugs Or Alcohol

The relationship between a parent and child is one unlike any other. Parents often carry a role of leadership, prioritizing the health and safety of their children above all else. Even once great parents are susceptible to addiction. When you are faced with the task of finding help for a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol, you are taking action as a caregiver. This role reversal can be challenging at times, but it’s a necessary step to help your parent regain control of their life.

Support Your Parent, Not The Addiction

Offering love and support may be difficult when you’re feeling conflicted, but it’s important to remember that the parent you know is still in there, and can be recovered with help. Some ways to support a parent without enabling addictive behavior include:

  • Refusing to retrieve addictive substances, such as prescription pills or alcoholic beverages.
  • If your parent is intoxicated, it’s important to find a non-combative method to prevent him or her from getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Offer to drive, or call a cab.
  • Do not join in on substance abuse with your parent.
  • Offer a judge-free ear to listen, but never promise to keep addiction a secret.
  • Keep the lines of communication open.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of hopelessness, self-injury, or overdose.

Confronting your mom or dad outright, and demanding rehabilitation may cause some unneeded conflict. This route could hinder a thought-out intervention. If you or your parent have supportive friends or family members who could provide some insight, it could be beneficial to reach out for help with research and approach.

How To Intervene Effectively

When addicted to drugs or alcohol, it may be next to impossible to fully recover without the help of a rehab. Unfortunately, not many people will make the choice to go on their own. The thought of confronting your parent with mutual loved ones can feel like a huge undertaking, but it is very necessary if your parent is reluctant to get help. Key elements of an intervention include:

  • In this case, your parent.
  • Close friends and family members.
  • A mediator – This person is well-versed in intervention processes, and is usually employed by the rehab facility. This person keeps everyone on the same page, and helps to answer questions about the recovery process on-site.
  • A suitable rehab to offer as a solution.
  • A letter to the person for whom the intervention is held, usually describing how addiction is affecting you. The letter may also cover ultimatums, which will be incentive to get help.

Research is the most important factor in an effective intervention. Offering a solution in a vulnerable situation can be the push needed to get your parent on the road to recovery. Choosing valuable people to provide a supportive network can help your loved one find the strength needed to change.

Support After Treatment

Once treatment through rehab is finished, your parent will require a lot of follow-up to ensure that his or her recovery is on the right track. This could include meetings, therapy, outpatient rehab, a sober living home, and physician-aided treatment. There are many ways to assist your mom or dad with these tasks. Some ideas to help aid your parent in lasting sobriety include:

  • Encouragement for accomplishments. Little steps toward a healthier lifestyle are all reasons to celebrate.
  • Offer to tag along for a meeting.
  • Make yourself present. Check in often, even if it’s a quick call to say hello.
  • Become a contact in case a situation raises temptation for relapse. Remember that relapse is not an inevitability, but a possibility. Develop a course of action for possible relapse with your parent.
  • Stay positive. Refrain from pointing fingers and unnecessary conflict.
  • Show gratitude for efforts.

Taking on a supporting role for a loved one can be very rewarding. Strengthening bonds can do a great deal of good for families dealing with addiction. These bonds are especially important between parents and their children.

Addiction Relief

A parent’s addiction to drugs or alcohol can be especially troubling. You may feel an obligation to protect your parent, while still feeling resentment for their actions. If you have a parent who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, you may wonder if there is something you can do to help. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help your family move forward, and find relief from drug or alcohol addiction.

We Can Help

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.Addiction negatively impacts the lives of millions of people every day. If you need help finding relief for a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol, the caring staff at is here to help. We can connect you with rehab centers, provide conversation guidance, and offer more ways to help your parent regain control of his or her addiction. Contact us today.

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Is A Vaccine For Drug Addiction Possible? Wed, 16 Mar 2016 15:48:30 +0000 Is Vaccine for Drug Addication Possible

In a day and age where we utilize vaccines to safeguard ourselves against illness and disease, it comes as no surprise to know that new vaccines, for a myriad of things, are constantly being conceived, created, and tested. What may come as a surprise is this—recently, it was published that scientists are working on a vaccine that could combat drug addiction.

This is a surprising revelation in the realm of addictions studies. One, which if successful, could greatly change the face of treatment and recovery as it is known today. No longer would vaccines treat only communicable illnesses or diseases—they could be utilized to treat and prevent the devastating effects of substance abuse and drug addiction—a growing epidemic that affects the lives of countless people in America today.

Dr. Nora Volkow Director of The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) elaborated on the potential of this method for treating addictions. “Vaccines have a unique role to play in a comprehensive strategy to help people overcome addictions. A successful vaccine will make it easier for addicted individuals to establish and maintain abstinence. It will reduce the chances that isolated lapses into drug taking escalate into protracted relapses.”

Rising Rates Of Drug Abuse, Addiction, And Overdose

Currently, within the United States prescription drug misuse and abuse is on the rise. It is estimated that roughly 6.1 million Americans misuse prescription drugs within a single month. The severity of this echoes the catastrophic toll that opiates, including heroin, take on our citizens on a daily basis, including the risk of overdose and death.

Opioids are most commonly prescribed for pain management. They have properties that are chemically similar to their illicit counterparts; in fact, this dangerous similarity provides a frightening opportunity for prescription drug abusers to progress into more severe use, such as heroin; it is theorized that this is for two reasons: it is often cheaper and it is easier to obtain.

Overdose, from both prescription and illicit drug use is also on the rise. With the advent of increased availability—the number of prescriptions for opioids alone has climbed to be an estimated 200 million every year. The CDC states that “since 1999, the amount of prescription painkillers prescribed and sold in the U.S. has nearly quadrupled,” they further expound on this dangerous trend, stating that “every day, 44 people in the U.S. die from overdose of prescription painkillers.” Paired with the dropping price of highly addictive drugs, like heroin—the numbers and severity of substance abuse, addiction and overdose are steadily rising.

NIDA statistics show that in 2011, “4.2 million Americans aged 12 or older (or 1.6 percent) had used heroin at least once in their lives. It is estimated that about 23 percent of individuals who use heroin become dependent on it.” Heroin use carries a great risk of dependence and overdose. The CDC found that “between 2002 and 2013, the rate of heroin-related overdose deaths nearly quadrupled, and more than 8,200 people died in 2013.”

Research At The Forefront Of An Epidemic

New research is constantly searching for ways to combat this growing threat. This past February, Dr. William Compton, deputy director of NIDA addressed the American Association for the Advancement of Science at a conference in Washington, DC. Within this panel discussion, “Neuroscience Clues to the Chemistry of Mood Disorders and Addictions,” Compton spoke of the growing threat of prescription drug and heroin addiction.

In addition to the immunization, other alternative venues for treating drug abuse are gaining momentum. Compton spoke of a buprenorphine implant, called Probuphine, which a medical panel heavily recommended to the FDA earlier this year. The implant utilizes a minimally invasive approach to insert small rods—similar to certain birth control methods—under the skin which deliver a regulated dose of this chemical to help manage opioid addictions and withdrawal symptoms.

For a person that uses either prescription or illegal drugs, they are most commonly seeking the high. This “high” is due to the body’s physiological response as the drug’s chemical components move from the blood, or circulatory system, to the brain. This movement through the blood-brain barrier is responsible for causing the euphoric feelings that a user seeks. Today, research is directed at halting this transition- what Compton calls the “intoxication reinforcement.” It is theorized, if the drug’s movement between these two areas ceases, resulting in a lack of a “high,” then a user would discontinue using the drug, Compton believes this treatment “holds promise.”

Currently, there are some treatments that utilize a portion of this approach —by forestalling the drug’s effect and negating pleasurable response, or the high. These opiate antagonists include Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, or Suboxone; a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. However, this approach carries some criticisms and risks; with all, the success depends on the individual seeking medical help on a regular basis, as well as taking the medication on a reoccurring basis (some require a person to take a daily dose, or as often as every 2-3 days). These treatments may also run the risk of a person developing a dependency on them.

How Would A Vaccine Work?

According to NIDA “a successful anti-drug vaccine will induce an immune response that blocks the target drug from entering the brain. A patient who has been vaccinated will obtain no reward or relief of craving from taking the target drug, and so will have reduced motivation to continue further in relapse.” This holds startling implications in the possibilities of not only treating addictions, but in preventing the sometimes life-threatening symptoms of withdrawal, and in the worst case, overdose.

Medill Reports Chicago explained the tactic of a vaccination this way: it “would be part of a three-part strategy aimed at combating the drug addiction epidemic which includes: helping addicts, reversing drug overdoses, and preventing addiction.”

Researchers are seeking to truncate the drug’s movement from the bloodstream through the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is one of the body’s foremost lines of defense; its purpose is to protect the brain from harmful toxins or chemicals that may be present within the rest of the body.

Unfortunately, and dangerously—the drugs that individual’s use to get high are those that can also be the most high-risk, that do succeed in passing through this barrier. Research suggests that if this vaccine is successful, medical professionals will have a way to assist individuals in seeking help to reduce or cease their drug use and addiction.

The vaccine would work by encouraging the body to create antibodies. This vaccine-antibody complex would be drawn into a B-lymphocyte, which is responsible for forming antibodies. According to NIDA, the B-lymphocyte “transforms into a plasmocyte, which manufactures and releases anti-drug antibody.” These plasmocytes are then cloned. In turn, vast amounts of the anti-drug antibody are flushed throughout the body’s bloodstream, providing a line of defense against drug use.

Once within the bloodstream, these antibodies bind to the drug molecules, this is effective for one important reason: once attached, the drug molecule can no longer pass through the blood-brain barrier, because, as NIDA elaborated “the compound drug-antibody molecules are too big to go through the blood brain barrier.” They continue the explanation, stating “the drug cannot enter the brain and cannot produce psychoactive or addictive effects.”

This is theorized to work if the response created is consistently strong and long-lasting. NIDA explained that “to prevent the drug from having psychoactive effects, the antibody blood concentration, or titer, must be high enough to intercept all or almost all of the target drug molecules before they reach the blood-brain barrier.” This titer must remain at a stable, optimal level for extended periods of time in order to allow for what could be the necessary booster shots to be administered successfully.

If this succeeds as scientists purport and researchers are able to gain approval for a vaccine that would have this effect—depriving drug users of the vastly detrimental effects of obtaining a high–then the world of drug treatment could drastically change.

How Soon Will This Treatment Become Available

Currently, the vaccine is within the testing stages; thus far it has been tested on animal subjects. This treatment still needs to undergo rigorous testing procedures; including human trials. Once this process has occurred, and if the FDA approves it, a large volume will have to be produced by a pharmaceutical company; it is then that the insurance companies would have to consent to its use by the general population. There is also the possibility, as with many new drugs, that in the beginning the price may be higher than other treatments, however, as the vaccination became more heavily prescribed, the price would likely drop.

Additionally, if this treatment becomes available for prescription, there may be certain perimeters to its use. A physician would have to dictate, by a thorough medical evaluation, that this would be the best treatment for a patient’s addiction or substance abuse.

Despite the fact that this treatment may yet be far off, these are still grounds for great excitement. As the focus and direction of addiction research is changing and broadening every day, exciting new treatments are that much closer to being able to help those who struggle with a drug addiction.

Stay On Top Of Your Treatment Options Today

Contact us today for help finding a rehab that fits your needs.It is important with any drug abuse or addiction that you stay well-versed in the treatments and recovery options that are available to you today and in the future. If you have any questions about the potential for this new treatment, or about any existing ones, please contact us today at

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Opiate-Induced Hyperalgesia Mon, 07 Mar 2016 21:33:55 +0000 Opiate-Induced Hyperalgesia

Opiate prescription treatments are on a steady incline in the United States for chronic and short-term pain management. This rise has caused many people to experience multiple adverse effects when taken long-term. One notable side effect of long-term opiate consumption is a condition known as opiate-induced hyperalgesia, or OIH. Opiate-Induced Hyperalgesia occurs when opioids cause acute sensitivity to stimuli or aggravate preexisting pain. There are many theories surrounding the cause of OIH. Thankfully, there are methods to control this painful condition.

What Is Hyperalgesia?

Hyperalgesia is a condition which causes the sufferer to have an abnormally high sensitivity to pain. This is believed to be caused by damaged pain receptors, or peripheral nerves in the brain. It is believed that pain signals in the brain can become amplified or pain relieving signals can become slower in those experiencing hyperalgesia. Those suffering from hyperalgesia will experience:

  • Pain without injury or any notable reason
  • Significantly more profound pain than the stimuli suggests
  • Decrease in pain tolerance
  • Decrease in pain threshold; the point when pain is first experienced
  • Pain spreading from one place on the body to another

It is important to remember that hyperalgesia is not determined by the actual pain dealt, but how it is perceived by the person experiencing the stimuli. One may experience temporary hyperalgesia during acute sickness, such as flu or while fighting other infections in the body. This could be due to inflammation, overheating, dehydration, or other factors involved when fighting illness.

How Do Opiates Cause Hyperalgesia?

While it is unclear exactly how an analgesic causes such an opposite effect in some people, it is understood that opiates can be damaging to receptors in the brain over time. It is also believed that pain threshold and tolerance can be lowered due to extended use of opiates. Lower doses of opioids can cause hyperalgesia, however, it is far more common in higher doses.

OIH Diagnosis And Treatment

Opiate-induced hyperalgesia is often hard to diagnose, as tolerance and OIH are similar in nature. When pain is not improved or is made worse with increased doses, physicians often suspect OIH as the cause. Patients may also experience pain in other parts of the body, which raises additional red flags during diagnosis. While opiates can induce hyperalgesia directly when taken, there are similar forms of the condition that are categorized differently due to the diagnosis and treatment processes.

These conditions are related to, but not directly categorized as opiate-induced:

  • Allodynia is when the patient reacts to a benign stimulus with excruciating pain. It is diagnosed with a sensory exam and can be treated with less or more opioids.
  • Opioid tolerance can cause hyperalgesia, is clinically diagnosed, and may be treated with more opioids.
  • Withdrawal-induced hyperalgesia is experienced during the withdrawal period, and is tested with a scaling system and clinical diagnosis. A tapering of opioids, often with antagonist opiates, is used to treat the pain.

These forms of hyperalgesia are often confused with OIH, but have different categorization. This is why physician intervention is important for treatment. Some may mistake OIH for increased tolerance and raise the dosage to alleviate pain. This can make matters worse if OIH is the cause, when less opiates are actually necessary. In contrast to conditions listed above, opiate-induced hyperalgesia is diagnosed with a trial decrease in opiates to treat pain. If decreasing a dose does not relieve pain, patients may try an NDMA antagonist or buprenorphine.

An Unexpected Occurrence

With proper dosing and duration, opioids can be a positive method of chronic pain management. While undergoing treatment for pain, the last expected side effect is more pain. Unfortunately, opiate-induced hyperalgesia is a common occurrence in many people undergoing long-term opioid treatments. When opioids cause more pain, it is important to reach out to the administering physician to adjust the dosage and rule out other factors that may be causing trouble. Identifying the symptoms and seeking medical intervention is the very best course of action to find relief.

We Can Help

Contact us today to learn more about opiate-induced hyperalgesia/If you or a loved one is experiencing opiate-induced hyperalgesia, you are not alone. The caring staff at is here to help guide you through. We can answer any questions you may have about opioid treatments, hyperalgesia, addiction, and treatment. We’re here for you. Contact us today.

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Oral Health and Substance Abuse Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:42:07 +0000 Oral Health and Substance Abuse

Maintaining a healthy smile is an important part of daily routine for many people. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between oral health and overall health, making the effort to protect teeth and gums that much more important. Oral health tends to suffer as a result of substance abuse, often leading to severe damage to teeth and gums. Early intervention may be the key to preventing more serious conditions in time, and promote healthy change for those struggling with addiction.

How Substance Abuse Harms Oral Health

Substance abuse can cause adverse effects on oral health in various ways. While the impact is not always abrupt, the damage is often severe when left untreated. This can lead to irreversible disease and lasting effects, such as tooth loss and deep discoloration. The most common factors responsible for poor oral health due to substance abuse include:

  • Neglecting oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups
  • Stomach acid from reflux and vomiting eats away at the enamel of the teeth, exposing the dentin, and making teeth more porous. This makes teeth more susceptible to sensitivity and decay
  • Oral pain may be a sign of a problem, but masked by analgesic qualities in certain drugs
  • Stimulant drugs like ecstasy, amphetamines, and cocaine are known to cause jaw clenching, chattering, and teeth grinding. Chipped teeth, decay, and infection may result
  • Lowered immunity from drug and alcohol use causes inflammation of gums and higher likelihood of infection

Discoloration, tartar buildup, and decay are commonly found in people with substance abuse problems. While the physical appearance of poor oral hygiene is unappealing, the damage dealt to the rest of the body is far more troublesome in many cases.

How Poor Oral Health Impacts The Body

In 2009, literature was disbursed by the American Academy of Periodontology, and The American Journal of Cardiology. This literature evaluated the direct correlation between heart disease and gum disease. This literature urged cardiologists and periodontists to cross reference information, as the two diseases are often linked. In addition to heart health, oral health can impact other functions:

  • Gingivitis, a gum disease, leads to inflammation and bleeding of the gums. This leaves the gums more susceptible to infection
  • An oral infection can be especially dangerous, as it can spread quickly to the blood, infecting vital organs
  • When left untreated, an escalated gum disease called Periodontal disease can develop. This causes the gums to separate from the teeth, leaving a large pocket for food and bacteria to develop. This infection often affects the underlying bone and roots of the teeth
  • Periodontal disease is also linked to diabetes, heart disease, premature birth, dementia, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Tooth decay can result from tooth damage and poor hygiene, also leading to infection and severe pain in the mouth

Addiction causes many issues within the body, including lowered defenses against infection and disease. Poor oral health can magnify these problems, making recovery difficult, even with medical intervention.

Methamphetamine Use And Oral Health

Meth is recognized as the most blatantly damaging drug for oral health. In a short span of time, methamphetamine use can cause serious decay, discoloration, inflammation, and infection in the teeth and gums. This condition is commonly referred to as “meth mouth,” and observed in many cases of methamphetamine addiction. There are many reasons for this condition, including:

  • Methamphetamine causes saliva glands to halt production, resulting in dry mouth. Saliva production is necessary to carry away food particles, and helps to keep teeth clean
  • Clenching, grinding, and chattering are common side effects of methamphetamine, causing tooth decay and breakage
  • Corrosive chemicals in methamphetamine such as lithium, and sulfuric and muratic acid eat away at the enamel of the teeth. Acid erosion begins at first use, resulting from smoking and snorting the substance
  • Sores can develop on the gums, cheek, and tongue, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Hygiene is often ignored as a result of meth use, resulting in days or weeks without brushing or flossing.
  • Lifestyle factors also play a role, including poor diet and sugary drink consumption

Without quick intervention, the damage caused by meth use is irreversible. Many people struggling with methamphetamine addiction experience pain and irritation, but often ignore the symptoms when under the influence of the drug. Some can see the effects of meth on oral health within a few days, when the drug begins to halt saliva production.

Making A Change

When considering the many negative aspects of addiction, it’s important to acknowledge the significant toll that substance abuse takes on oral health. Many tooth and gum issues are left untreated, leading to more severe consequences down the line. Understanding the correlation between oral and overall health may lead to healthier choices in those struggling with addiction. Prevention, early intervention, and a healthy routine can promote significant changes in oral health. These changes can have lasting positive effects on the entire body.

We Can Help

If you or someone you know needs help finding treatment, the caring staff at is here to help.Substance abuse can severely impact the health and wellness of those struggling with addiction. If you or someone you know needs help finding treatment, the caring staff at is here to help. We can answer any questions you may have about the effects of substance abuse on oral health, and how to end the cycle of addiction. Contact us today.

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How Can Subutex Be Abused? Thu, 21 Jan 2016 19:29:26 +0000 How Can Subutex Be Abused?

If you or someone you know is struggling from an opioid addiction, it can feel like an uphill battle. Addiction is a form of mental illness because it changes the way our brains function. This is why professional help is needed when treating an addiction. Perhaps you or your loved one has tried Subutex to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms from opioids while beginning detoxification treatment.

Subutex is used to treat opioid dependence and is a partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine. The buprenorphine molecule binds to the same opioid receptors in the brain as heroin and other opioids, resulting in dulling the effects of a heroin, morphine, or oxycodone high. However, Subutex can still be abused and can still cause users to feel euphoria which leads to addiction if used incorrectly.

Side Effects Of Abuse

Subutex creates a high that is not cognitively disorienting with drugs such as heroin or morphine. Short term effects of Subutex abuse include: euphoria, decreased pain, and even sedation. However, if you abuse Subutex there are also many undesirable side effects that are unwanted and these include: sweating, mood swings, dizziness, vomiting, body aches, and flu-like symptoms, among others. You should contact your doctor or nearest emergency room immediately if you abuse Subutex and notice the following as these could be signs of serious liver damage: yellowing in the whites of the eyes, severe stomach pain, dark urine, yellow skin, or light colored bowel movements.

How Do You Abuse Subutex?

But how can you abuse Subutex in the first place? If Subutex is administered in a tablet form, it has a higher risk of creating abuse than if a patient was administered Suboxone (buprenorphine mixed with naloxone which is added to prevent abuse). Typical Subutex abusers will usually crush the tablet and inject or snort it. When the tablet is crushed and either injected or snorted, it results in euphoria similar to abusing heroin or morphine.

Click here to learn more about the difference between Suboxone and Subutex.

Signs Of Abuse

If you suspect that someone you know is abusing Subutex, there are signs of abuse that you can watch out for. The signs of abuse for Subutex are similar to opioid abuse and could be any of the following:

  • Mood swings
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Neglecting hobbies you once enjoyed
  • Failure to perform at school, work, or at home
  • Nosebleeds
  • Sleep pattern changes
  • Physical signs of injection abuse (bruising and injection points)
  • Changing your circle of friends
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Money difficulties

Withdrawal Signs And Symptoms

There can also be withdrawal signs and symptoms that can indicate that a person has developed dependence on Subutex. These signs of withdrawal include:

  • Restlessness
  • Yawning
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Goose bumps
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Anxiety
  • And dilated pupils among others

Abusing Subutex also can lead to severe long-term effects if snorted or injected. Injection can lead to blood borne diseases such as HIV or even abscesses and if snorted, a perforated nasal canal. As with any drug that can be abused, users run the risk of overdosing or severe complications such as slowed breathing or even death each time the medication is used improperly.

How To Help

What was meant to help an individual recover from their opiate addiction has turned into dependence upon Subutex since the medication was abused. But, there is hope. There are many treatments available today to help individuals struggling from Subutex abuse. Some common ways to help individuals battling Subutex abuse include: intensive inpatient treatment, individual therapy, group counseling, partial hospitalization, and even attending groups such as Narcotics Anonymous.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from Subutex addiction contact us to help you find the right treatment that fits your needs.You do not have to suffer from a Subutex addiction alone. Our compassionate staff will help you find the right treatment that fits your needs. Reach out to us today at and get your life back on track. Contact us today.

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New Enzyme Found That May Treat Cocaine Overdoses Tue, 08 Dec 2015 17:56:43 +0000 New Enzyme Found That May Treat Cocaine Overdoses

Statistics conducted in 2008 by the National Survey on Drug and Health estimated that on average 1.9 million people used cocaine in a 30-day period, with 359,000 using crack cocaine. Drug addiction is on the rise in America and it is a serious issue we all must address. However, new findings give hope to those who are suffering to quit cocaine.

Recently on October 29th, 2015, researchers revealed that a new enzyme was found that may successfully treat cocaine overdoses. While struggling individuals should always seek treatment for their drug addiction (inpatient treatment, counseling, etc.), medications such as this enzyme may offer more reinforcements in the battle against drug abuse and a potential solution to cocaine overdoses.

The New Enzyme

On October 29, the findings of the enzyme were made public at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition in Orlando. The study was directed by professors from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Kentucky. The enzyme, E12-7Fc-M3, has proven beneficial in metabolizing cocaine in the body without negative consequences.

The professors at the College of Pharmacy found previous success in an enzyme that broke down cocaine in the bloodstream. This previous enzyme they created was called CoCH1. But currently, their research on the new enzyme, E12-7Fc-M3 has focused on finding out how mice and rats respond when injected with cocaine and the enzyme.

Testing Success

When the professors tested mice and rats with cocaine and the enzyme they found that it was more effective in breaking down cocaine than the original enzyme, but it also had a half-life of roughly 110 hours. To compare, CoCH1 only had a half-life of approximately eight hours.

Researchers also found that one 0.25 mg dose of E12-7Fc-M3 sped up the metabolization of cocaine in the body to a minimum of 20 days. They also discovered that 2.5 mg completely rid the test animals of 25 mg of cocaine in 7 days.

Looking Ahead

While only preliminary research has been done, professionals are optimistic that the results will be translatable to humans in the near future. It is hoped that one day very soon, this form of enzyme treatment could be administered to patients in the emergency room if they overdose on cocaine. In 2008, the Drug Abuse Warning Report indicated that of the 2 million emergency room visits that happened due to drug abuse, 482,000 of those were cocaine.

Encompassing Treatment

It’s fascinating how far science and research have advanced us in the medical field. While more research still needs to be conducted, this new enzyme may prove to be the next big step in helping those that struggle with cocaine addiction. Administering just the enzyme to the patient that has overdosed is a great benefit. However, it should not be the only form of treatment offered to the individual.

One potential downside to the enzyme is people using the enzyme as an emergency treatment while still abusing cocaine. This is why treatment options, such as inpatient facilities, counseling, outpatient facilities, and others are extremely important.

Combining the aspects of medical professionals, medication, therapy, and personal desire to seek help and get better, will provide individuals with a strong foundation for recovery success.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know is struggling from a cocaine addiction or other drug addiction, we can help. There are many treatment options available today and we can help you find the one that’s right for you. Contact us now at to get the help you need to find you way back to a sober lifestyle.

Contact us now at to get the help you need to find you way back to a sober lifestyle.

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What Is The Difference Between Suboxone And Subutex? Wed, 16 Sep 2015 17:16:19 +0000 What is the difference between suboxone and subutex

Are you struggling with an opiate addiction? Perhaps suboxone and subutex can help you on your journey to sobriety. One way you could think of this method is that doctors are basically fighting your drug addiction, with other drugs. Both drugs (suboxone and subutex) are used to treat opiate addiction by taking away the opiate’s “grip” on the brain and they also can help you stop your drug abuse. Suboxone and subutex are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help opiate abusers regain a sober lifestyle. By taking either suboxone or subutex, recovering individuals will not have withdrawal symptoms or cravings. But, the drugs must be taken as prescribed in order to achieve the desired effects. Both drugs share a similarity and they also have one main difference.

The Similarity

Both suboxone and subutex contain buprenorphine. Medically speaking, buprenorphine is an “opioid partial agonist.” Translation: buprenorphine interacts with the same receptors in the brain that affect other drugs (like heroin), but it fools the brain into thinking that it is taking an opiate, when in reality you are not. This is why you do not experience withdrawal symptoms or even cravings. In contrast, heroin is a “full agonist” drug and can create intense highs. Partial agonist drugs are much more difficult to become addicted to and do not create a high when used properly.

Buprenorphine works by being a “sticky” agent to your brain’s receptors. Just like many other substances, abuse of an opiate changes how your brain functions and also its physical characteristics. For non-opioid abusers, there are a set amount of opioid receptors in the brain. When a person abuses an opioid, such as heroin, the drug is able to attach itself onto their opioid receptors, and they are able to receive a high. The high creates euphoria, and the user wants to repeat that feeling again and again.

Over time, however, a person builds up tolerance to the drug. During this time when tolerance is built up, the opioid receptors in the brain increase, which causes the user to seek out more of the drug to achieve more of a high. The original dosage of the opiate they took is no longer effective because they have increased their number of opioid receptors.

Taking the same amount of the drug only fills up some of the receptors, so they seek more of the drug so all receptors can be full and satisfied. Increased levels of opiate receptors, means that the normal levels of brain chemicals can’t function (fully activate the receptors), so more of the drug is sought out. Inactivated opioid receptors are craving the drug and if left inactivated this leads to withdrawal symptoms. This is why a person abusing a drug must constantly seek out a high or they will feel sick or begin to experience withdrawal.

As mentioned before, buprenorphine is a “sticky” agent. When taken properly, the buprenorphine sticks to the increased opioid receptors. It shoves the opioid out of the way and sticks or binds to all the receptors, but without the feelings of a high. If heroin and buprenorphine are taken at the same time, buprenorphine pushes the opioid away from the brain’s receptors, and fills all of the receptors. Buprenorphine fills the receptors up and prevents withdrawal, but it is not strong enough to get the person high and will not let them experience euphoria.

The Difference

The main difference between suboxone and subutex is that one of the two also has naloxone and the other doesn’t contain that substance at all. Subutex only contains buprenorphine while suboxone contains both buprenorphine and naloxone. Naloxone is mixed with the buprenorphine to prevent misuse. An example of this would be that if you were currently high on heroin, taking naloxone intravenously would almost immediately cause a person to tumble into withdrawal symptoms.

Buprenorphine, as mentioned before, fills the receptors of the brain and activates them. Naloxone, on the other hand, is an opiate antagonist. Like buprenorphine, it fills the receptors of the brain (and also blocks other opiates from filling the brain’s receptors), but it does not activate the opiate receptors. Full but inactivated opiate receptors mean that the abuser will feel the pains of withdrawal very quickly.

Taking Subutex vs. Taking Suboxone

By now you might be thinking that taking suboxone sounds horrible and you would definitely pick subutex over the other drug. But in reality, there is no functional difference between the two drugs (unless you abuse suboxone). Subutex may be prescribed for the first few doses under a doctor’s care, but when you go home, a doctor will most likely prescribe suboxone to you.

The doctor will explain to you that suboxone must be dissolved underneath the tongue. By taking the pill this way, the tiny amount of naloxone will have no effect on you. In other words, it won’t hurt you and you won’t feel a thing if taken properly. By letting the pill dissolve under your tongue, the buprenorphine will go to your brain, and your withdrawal symptoms are relieved.

If you decide to abuse suboxone and inject it into your veins, that will be a bad choice because it fully activates the naloxone. After injection, the naloxone will hit you with full force and you will crash into withdrawal. If you think that you can take another opiate to reverse the effects of the naloxone, you are sadly mistaken. Once the naloxone has hit full force, you cannot get high even if you were to take more opiates.

Choosing to have a buprenorphine treatment to help your opiate addiction could be a good option for you, but talk to a doctor first. As long as you do not abuse suboxone to get high and use it as prescribed, you will get the same results and the medication will work just as well as if you were using subutex.

Take Control Of Your Life

Contact us today to get your life back.Abusing opiates and other substances is a serious situation and at any time it can cause serious complications or even death. Take control of your life today and seek help. If you have tried other methods of recovery, but are still struggling with an addiction, perhaps a treatment of either suboxone or subutex (under a doctor’s supervision) will help. But only do so under direct care of a doctor or other trusted professional. Talk to your doctor or contact us at for more information on seeking help for addiction. A drug addiction is not who you were meant to be, so don’t let it control your life. Contact us today to get your life back.

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Heroin Mixed With Fentanyl Causing Overdoses Mon, 31 Aug 2015 17:04:28 +0000 Heroin-Mixed-With-Fentanyl-Causing-Overdoses

Heroin is an extremely addictive drug on its own. Fentanyl is a narcotic and sedative used to help alleviate pain after surgeries or other procedures. It is a synthetic opioid analgesic. On its own, Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine. It is also used for pain such as for those who are in the end-stages of cancer. It’s not a drug to be taken lightly.

Now, just imagine combining heroin and fentanyl in a cocktail-like mixture; it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Fentanyl overdoses are so similar to heroin overdoses, sometimes it is extremely hard to determine which drug was abused (if used separately). If a patient visits the ER for an overdose, urine samples do not pick up on fentanyl at all.

Just as long ago as March 2015, the Drug Enforcement Administration issued a national alert warning that there has been a national uptick in heroin-laced-fentanyl overdoses. Seizures by law enforcement of illegal drugs mixed with fentanyl have also surged. In 2013, there were 942 submissions of fentanyl drug mixed confiscations, in 2014, there were 3,344 cases. Confiscations of fentanyl have more than tripled during that time. And now, fentanyl mixed with heroin is causing many overdoses and deaths.

An Unknown Cocktail

When fentanyl is mixed with heroin, the results can be fatal. This is a concoction of a prescription drug and a street drug, with disastrous effects. Buying drugs off the street, such as heroin mixed with fentanyl, is a mixed bag. You never know what you are going to get. Some addicted individuals do not know that the heroin they bought off the street has been mixed with fentanyl, often causing terrible end results (extreme addictions, side effects, or death). For those who do know that the heroin is spiked with fentanyl, they are seeking a greater high. Fentanyl is given to patients who suffer from pain but are for those who have become “immune” (developed a tolerance) to other opioids. This is why they search for a stronger alternative.

Abuse of fentanyl and heroin is like many other substance abuses, it alters the way the brain functions, leading to addiction. Abusing drugs leads the user into a vicious circle. They first try drugs, such as opiates, and receive incredible highs, but after using the drugs for a while, their systems become dull and desensitized. This causes the individual to seek out more potent forms of a drug, in order to feel the same (or even stronger) highs.

Just A Little Bit

Those who buy heroin on the street may not know if it contains fentanyl. The dealers on the street may not even know how much fentanyl has been mixed with the heroin. Even a small amount of fentanyl mixed with heroin can be lethal because fentanyl on its own is so powerful. Just a tiny amount can have a huge impact on how it affects your body. Because prescription opiate medications are harder or even inaccessible to obtain and are costly, some believe this has pushed more people to use heroin mixed with fentanyl.

A Special Note To Those Who Are Struggling

Fentanyl is so potent that it is used as perhaps a last resort to experience the thrills of being high after other drugs just don’t have the same effects. So the serious question to ask is: Why are you doing this to yourself? If you are abusing heroin mixed with fentanyl knowingly or even unknowingly, why are you abusing drugs at all? Is there an underlying reason why you are putting your body though so much damage? Maybe you suffered a trauma, like a sexual assault, and you want to hide the pain. Or perhaps you suffered the loss of a loved one and you turned to drugs to numb reality. Maybe you just wanted to experiment with drugs after you were given a prescription medication, and you are embarrassed that you have developed a craving or addiction. Or maybe you are addicted to heroin, and you did not know your drugs were spiked with fentanyl, and now you crave that high.

Maybe there is no “real” reason for your drug use and you are just making bad choices and are seeking a high. But, realize there are better ways to effectively cope. There are better ways to address your emotions. Look at yourself in the mirror. Is this the person you want to be? Look at your life. The next time you decide to use drugs, the next time you visit someone on the street for your next high, the next time you overdose, could be your last. Do you realize how serious this is? You could die. No matter how good or great a high feels, there is always a risk that you could die. A high is temporary, death is permanent.

Seek Help Today

This is your life. Seek help now. Even if you feel that nobody cares about you, it’s not true. There are people who care for and your well being. And you need to reach out to those who can help before it’s too late. Maybe you are reading this right now because you are searching for something, anything to help you because you feel guilty and at a loss. Maybe you stumbled upon this blog post and these words are hitting home right now. And perhaps you even feel helpless. Abusing drugs has likely destroyed or severely strained your family relationships, your ties with friends, or your devotion to a spouse or partner. But you are not alone. There is hope and there is help. Don’t wait. Contact us today at and we will be there for you, helping you each step of the way as you find a new and healthy life.

Contact us today at and we will be there for you, helping you each step of the way as you find a new and healthy life.

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What To Do If A Friend Or Loved One Overdoses Tue, 04 Aug 2015 18:44:40 +0000 What To Do If A Friend Or Loved One Overdoses

If you have a loved one that suffers from drug addiction, the thought of overdose is always in the back of your mind, and you pray everyday that it doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, drug overdoses are a rising problem, so you must be prepared to take control of the situation, should it ever occur.

First, Don’t Panic

If you suddenly find yourself in a situation involving a loved one who has possibly overdosed, keep a cool head. Panicking will do neither of you any favors: panic and anxiety will kick you straight into survival mode, which will make it hard for you to think straight. As a result, you may make mistakes in critical decisive moments.

More importantly, you need to keep them as calm as possible. Panic and anxiety are contagious and if your loved one is overdosing, they are either on the threshold of those emotions or may develop them if they see you panicked. Being a stoic loved one can give them the anchor they need to stay calm.

Call Medical Emergency Responders Immediately

The moment you see a loved one suffer from overdose symptoms, call local emergency services as quickly as possible. They are going to need a variety of information from you, such as the age, weight, height, and gender of the person who is overdosing.

The operator may give you some instructions on how to care for the overdose victim. For example, if your loved one is still conscious, they may ask you to help them feel comfortable. If they are unconscious, they may want you to turn them over on their side in case of vomiting. Most importantly, they are going to want to know what kind of drug was used. Sometimes the person overdosing can tell you. Other times, they may be too confused or paranoid to talk or may even be unconscious.

Quickly Diagnose The Overdose Symptoms

When your loved one can’t identify the drug causing their overdose, you have to do it for them by assessing their symptoms. Symptoms often vary slightly depending on the drug type used. But identifying the exact symptoms can help you prepare the attending medical experts use the right emergency treatment procedure.

Symptoms for the following drugs include:

  • Opiates – Constipation, nausea, vomiting, spasms, difficulty breathing, decreased pulse rate, low blood pressure, confusion, drowsiness, seizures.
  • Alcohol – Blue skin, poor breathing, confusion, slurred speech, anger, low temperature, inability to wake.
  • Cocaine – Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, light-headed, dehydration, uncontrollable muscle twitching, panic attacks, aggression, vomiting.
  • Prescription Drugs – Symptoms vary depending on the drug, but irregular heart beats, agitation, drowsiness, and uncontrollable movements are seen in many prescription drug overdoses.

Try To Find The Paraphernalia

Though a quick diagnosis of overdose symptoms can give you a clue as to the drug used, you need to find the actual paraphernalia as quickly as possible as well. This is especially true if they use more than one type of drug, such as cocaine and alcohol, on a regular basis.

Remember, though, that you aren’t a drug expert. What looks like cocaine to you may in fact be heroin. Your identification of the drug is just a tip for medical experts to help them treat the overdose properly.

Common Drug Hiding Spots

Sometimes the drugs which your loved one overdosed on are right near them or right out in the open. Other times you may not. Overdoses aren’t always the immediate and explosive situation that Hollywood and television portrays: often it takes an hour or more for symptoms to appear.

As a result, your loved one may have successfully hidden their paraphernalia. Common hiding spots for illicit substances include:

  • Dryer lint vents
  • Cosmetic items
  • Gaming consoles
  • Posters
  • Pringles cans
  • Difficult-to-reach closet spaces
  • Back of the toilet
  • Pens
  • CD/DVD/Game cases

Don’t spend more than a few minutes looking for these items, especially if you are alone. After all, your loved one’s overdose symptoms could become life-threatening while you’re rifling through hand bags.

Discover The Reasons For The Overdose

Once your loved one has been treated, you need to find out what led to their overdose. If you’re lucky, your loved one was a first time user who underestimated the drug and may never use again. However, illicit drug overdoses are more common in long-term sufferers: their body often demands larger doses as it acclimates to its effects.

However, there’s another potential cause of overdose that often gets overlooked: suicidal tendencies. This cause is especially prevalent in instances of prescription drug overdose in people who don’t otherwise use illicit substances.

Identifying suicidal thoughts isn’t easy because people often hide these feelings successfully for years and seem to live a happy life. Watch out for these common suicide symptoms:

  • Extended periods of depression
  • Thoughts of inappropriate shame
  • Direct suicide threats
  • Personality changes
  • Sudden focus on death and dying
  • Hopelessness
  • Loss of interest in life

If you believe your loved one overdosed due to suicidal tendencies, talk to a therapist or doctor, or contact us at as soon as possible and try to get them into therapy.

Talk To Them About Rehab

After an overdose, you need to perform an intervention and try to get your loved one to a drug rehabilitation center. But you can’t come in with excessive judgments: screaming, threatening, and cajoling will only create more anxiety and is likely to drive your loved one away from treatment.
Instead, calmly talk to them about their overdose and how worried the family is about their health. Express your If you have any questions about overdose, intervention, or drug rehabilitation, please don't hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.acceptance and care repeatedly to make them feel comfortable and loved. Often, generating feelings of acceptance and compassion is enough to get your loved one back on track.

If you have any questions about overdose, intervention, or drug rehabilitation, please don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. We can give you the guidance you need to help your loved one reclaim their life.

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Neural Pathway to Treat Cocaine Addiction Might Be Possible Thu, 16 Jul 2015 17:39:20 +0000 Neural Pathway to Treat Cocaine Addiction Might Be Possible

Pharmaceuticals Could Help Cocaine Addiction

Using other types of drugs to treat drug addiction such as cocaine is not a new concept but it may be debatable. Repeated cocaine use and addiction to cocaine increases the brain’s amount of dopamine (the pleasure centers of the brain). Every time a person uses cocaine, they are essentially changing the chemistry of their brain. Those who have fewer dopamine receptors in their brain are more likely to develop an addiction because they are seeking out cocaine, which is a dopamine-increasing drug.

Scientists have recently found a neural pathway that was undiscovered until now. Using pharmaceuticals may be the next best way to help those recovering from a drug addiction. The neural pathway is thought to maintain a person’s likelihood to relapse. Relapse is central to a cocaine user’s problems because of cocaine’s changes to the brain, making the habit so hard to shake.

In a recent study using lab mice, scientists were able to increase or decrease the animals’ relapse by controlling their Activin receptors. Activin receptors are closely linked to pleasure and reward in the brain. Cocaine changes the brain’s connection to neurons because it changes the shape of cells. Scientists don’t yet fully comprehend why Activin receptors link up with cocaine usage, but they think that the receptors control certain genes which stop cocaine from changing neural pathways. The goal of using pharmaceuticals with neural pathways is to prevent relapse from happening.

What Else Can Mice Reveal?

Scientists say that 1 in 5 people who try cocaine will develop an addiction. Some people, however, do not develop an addiction and scientists are trying to figure out what makes their brains different from those who do develop an addiction. In the study with mice, scientists allowed the animals to poke their noses through an enclosure that contained cocaine. Some of the mice obsessively poked their noses through, seeking more cocaine, while other mice only poked their noses through a few times and couldn’t care less. Scientists discovered that the mice that were not addicted to cocaine showed a strong resilient factor. The resilient mice had stronger inhibitory circuits which gave them better control over how often they visited the drugs.

Why Neurons And Addiction Go Hand-In-Hand

It used to be common knowledge to think that our neural pathways were well-established and rather rigid when we reached adulthood. Recent research however, shows that our brains are much more intricate and adaptive than that. The brain is constantly making new neurons and pathways throughout our lives. For example, if someone is in a tragic car accident and suffers from brain damage, neurons rebuild new pathways around the damaged area. This is called neuronal plasticity. And it happens more often than you’d think.

How We Can Think About Neuroplasticity And How It Changes Us

Imagine you are driving to your favorite restaurant, which you have visited many times. Your brain is wired and recognizes if you have used the same roads over and over again to reach your final destination. Now imagine the next time you drive to your favorite restaurant, a new construction sign is posted and the road is closed for 3 months. You must take a detour that you’ve never used before to get to your favorite place. After driving the detour (maybe several times if you keep visiting the restaurant), your brain learns to adjust and adapt to this new route.

This detour method and adaptation is exactly the same way our brains operate when it comes to cocaine or drug addiction. When a person retrains their brain to associate cocaine with stress-relief or even pleasure, the brain gets rewired to think that this is the new and correct path to take. It’s a good feeling that is hard to break and your brain just wants to keep repeating that feeling over and over again. You have, in effect, changed your neuron pathway the same way you would if you had to learn how to drive a new detour. This is why looking into neuron pathways is so important if we want to understand addictions. Luckily, just as the brain rewired itself for cocaine addiction, the brain can rewire itself after an addiction. Though it is very difficult to do, it can be done. And that is why pharmaceutical use to stop cocaine addiction relapse may help.

Hope For The Future

While scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how neurons and Activin receptors are linked to addictions such as cocaine, perhaps pharmaceuticals that prevent a relapse from happening is the next best thing.

If you’d like to know more about how neural pathways can help cocaine addiction, please contact us at you’d like to know more about how neural pathways can help cocaine addiction, please contact us at We are here to give you the best information for getting into treatment for addiction and making moves toward a new and drug-free future.

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Impact of Chemical Abuse on the Body Tue, 13 Sep 2011 18:35:24 +0000 We’ve all seen the advertisements—there’s a pill for every ill these days. Wonderful images of happy, well-adjusted folks; and then there’s the small print and the litany of side effects, up to and including death. But, hey, you’re not afraid to go outside anymore! And these are the “legal” drugs—they have to come with warning labels.

Illegal drugs are not accompanied by warning labels and often have a more devastating impact on our bodies. All drugs have side effects; all side effects are compounded exponentially when the abuse is excessive. Even tobacco products carry warning labels. Consider this your warning label for alcohol and chemical drug abuse.

Warning Label For illegal Drugs
Researchers have found a connection between chemical abuse and cardiovascular problems, including collapsed veins and bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves, abnormal heart rate, and heart attacks. Drug abuse can lead to a variety of respiratory problems, including slowed breathing, blockage of air into the lungs, and exacerbated asthmatic symptoms. Chemical abuse can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, kidney damage or failure, significant liver damage, muscle breakdown, and global body changes such as dramatic swings in appetite and increases in body temperature which may impact a variety of health conditions.

Makes You Wonder…

Why would people do this to themselves? Perhaps because chemical abuse:

  • Creates muscle loss due to poor protein intake, and can cause muscular inflammation and increased fat deposits and high blood pressure.
  • Irritates the stomach increasing the risk of ulcers and gastric distress.
  • Overworks the liver preventing bile production and filtering operations.
  • Irritates the pancreas causing swelling which may block the flow of enzymes into the stomach resulting in digestive difficulties and diabetes.
  • Inflames the kidneys causing frequent infections and increased water output resulting in excessive nutrient loss.
  • Irritates, sedates, and aggravates the nervous system, none of which is good.
  • Irritates and sedates membranes, including the esophagus, stomach, and rectum.
  • Slows or increases transit time in the intestines, increasing the risk of poor absorption and certain types of cancer.
  • Creates poor elimination via the rectum, potential diarrhea, and may cause hemorrhoids.
  • Depletes the body of nutrients for healthy-looking hair and skin.

The human brain does not escape these calamities. All drugs of abuse act in the brain to produce their euphoric effects; conversely, they can act upon the brain to cause seizures, stroke, widespread brain damage that can impact all aspects of daily life, and changes in the brain that may lead to problems with memory, attention, decision-making, and even paranoia, depression, aggression, and hallucinations. Drug abuse can also inhibit cognitive functions, including learning and reasoning. Drugs can also foster overpowering maladaptive associations that may establish future cravings and drug-seeking behaviors, and create cognitive deficits that hamper sustained abstinence.

Finally, drug-related deaths have more than doubled since the early 1980s. There are more deaths, illness, and disabilities from substance abuse than from any other preventable health condition.

Alcohol, Opiates, and Stimulants

Having generally considered the impact of chemical abuse on the body, let’s mull over how these three party favorites specifically harm the body.

Alcohol abuse can impact the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, and the central and peripheral nervous systems. Alcohol intoxication impairs two major organs involved in critical metabolism and nutrition: the liver and the pancreas. Other complications include diabetes,permanent liver damage (or cirrhosis), seizures, and shortened life expectancy. Additionally, alcoholism is one of the major causes of nutritional deficiency in the US, inhibiting the breakdown and consequent usefulness of essential nutrients; it impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines, and can even prevent the digested nutrients from being fully utilized by altering their transport, storage, and excretion. Alcohol abuse is often associated with medical illness, which can become a consequence of consistent and excessive drinking. Finally, long-term alcohol abuse can permanently damage memory.

Opiates (including codeine, heroin, and morphine) affect the gastrointestinal system. Opiates can also severely affect nutritional status. Opiate addicts often suffer from nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. Electrolyte imbalances of sodium or potassium can occur.

Stimulant use (including crack, cocaine, and methamphetamine) leads to weight loss and malnutrition. Stimulants eliminate the appetite while stimulating metabolic rate, and interfere with sleep so addicts often stay awake for long periods of time, burning even more calories. They may be dehydrated and have electrolyte imbalances.
Scary Stuff

It’s your warning label, remember? Do you need something to calm your nerves? Not all of these side effects happen to every addict, but all of these realities are on the table when the addict takes a seat. We could delve into further details, but the picture is clear.

Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition

successful treatment, recovery needs to include proper diet, regular exercise, and vitamin and mineral supplementsHowever, all is not lost entirely once recovery crests the horizon. Some of the damage may even be reversible. In addition to ceasing all chemical abuse, and the other elements requisite of successful treatment, recovery needs to include proper diet, regular exercise, and vitamin and mineral supplements. This includes low-fat, high-protein meals that are rich in nutrients and focus on whole grains. Recovering addicts need to eat smaller and frequent meals, drink plenty of water, and limit the consumption of sugar and caffeine. The road to recovery is long and arduous, but the road to recovery’s door step has been treacherous and death-defying.

Contact us to learn more about the impact of chemical abuse on the body.

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